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Even though things look a little different we haven’t really changed.
We have recently redesigned our web site so some of our content has moved around.
If you’d like to talk to someone please contact us.
WOnder what kinds of work we do, visit our capabilities page or visit our projects section.
Fairbanks Mill
- Brandon Boudreau, President
phone: 802 748-8094
87 Factory Street, PO Box 86
St. Johnsbury, Vt 05819
Fairbanks Mill, A Hydro-Services LTD Company
Fairbanks Mill | 12 Factory Street, PO Box 86, St Johnsbury VT 05819 | | 802.748.8094
Partial funding for development of this website made possible by a Rural Business Development Grant through the Northern Community Investment corporation from USDA Rural Development. ©2019 – Fairbanks Mill. Site design by Flek, Inc