Institutional Projects

Many of the Northeast Kingdom’s finest institutions have entrusted Fairbanks Mill with building, remodeling, and improving their precious landmark facilities. Clients include St. Johnsbury Academy, Lyndon Institute, Catamount Arts, the Fairbanks Museum, St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, and Lyndon State College.

Concrete Foundations – Catamount Arts Accessible Entrance

As the new home to Catamount Arts, this historic landmark has recently undergone a total renovation and transformation. Fairbanks Mill worked with the project manager and architect to design and construct a new accessible entry. In fitting this entry into the very tight site, consideration had to be given to code compliance, historic preservation issues, site drainage, and schedule.

Sitework – Fairbanks Museum Site Improvements

Site drainage improvements were implemented at this landmark institution. A perimeter membrane was installed to deflect roof runoff away from the building foundation. Drainage swales were incorporated into a general site regrading to channel surface water away from the building toward strategically placed infiltration chambers. Incorporated into the project was a clean up and overall reconfiguration of the Museum’s “back yard” which included new pedestrian paths, planting beds and much improved site furniture.

Building Construction – St. Johnsbury Academy Fieldhouse

Upon completion of the foundation and site-cast concrete, Fairbanks Mill was asked to assist with other phases of the construction for this multi-use facility, including temporary roof shoring (multiple 90’+ towers), roof support trusses, and roof panels. Other subsequent work included interior slabs, interior doors, and connector construction.